Monday, June 7, 2010

Be Aware of Invasive Pond Plants!

If you have a pond and are thinking about adding some plants, be aware that there are plants that are against the law to possess in Texas. These plants include water hyacinths, water lettuce, and water spinach. Also, Elephant Ears have been identified as being invasive in Texas. Since we live so close to creeks, the river and Canyon Lake, it is in our interest to keep these plants out of our yards.

Even native water lilies will take over your pond in a few years if left unchecked. Our mild winters will also not kill Papyrus. So, one tiny plant can become a 3’ x 3’ behemoth in two seasons. The remedy is to keep the plants in their pots and remove them from your pond at least once a year and trim them back. Elephant ears in particular will escape from their pots and are nearly impossible to completely eradicate.

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