Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Really, Really Special… Plain Old H20

If you live away from the lake, as many of us on the “other side” of 306 do, the terrain is rocky and dry. No water this time of year, even in the hidden recesses of Suche Creek (ok, so we had some hurricane leftovers). Cracks in the soil and brown stubble cover the fields.

What can we do to attract wildlife to our yards and help them through the hot summer months? Water. It’s that simple. Doesn’thave to be large and impressive. A small pond or birdbath will do. The only requirements are that it be clean and permanent, so when the animals and birds come looking, the water source is reliable and constant. Soon after you fill it, ferns and other aquatic plants appear. Moss grows on the rocks. Water skippers and dragonflies and honeybees stop in for a drink.
Our first water feature was a hollowed out rock with a drip line on a timer. We put it in before our house was finished, and for 5 years we’ve looked out our window to see: foxes, turkeys, a hawk bathing, raccoons, porcupines, deer, frogs, water skippers, dragonflies, one very cute small Texas Ribbon Snake, Cedar Waxwings, robins, Painted Buntings, Summer Tanagers, and the list goes on. If you don’t do anything else outside during the entire month of July, build a small, permanent water source.
Our animal friends will love you for it!

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