Monday, October 11, 2010

October in the Garden - The Very Special

Aaaah, cool fall weather. That’s good. And a sign that it’s time to plant trees. And who doesn’t love trees? Folks often ask what is the best time to plant trees, and the answer is RIGHT NOW! Planting a tree in the cooler fall months allows plenty of time for the roots to grow over the winter and into the spring, so when the hot summer months arrive, the tree has a good foundation to carry it through July and August. Even better, choose a native! Native trees are perfectly adapted to survive the extreme temperatures of our winters and summers and have learned to hunker down and hang on during periods of drought. Diversify to protect against oak wilt by planting Chinquapin Oak, Bur Oak, Lacey Oak or any of the others in the links below. Around here we joke that we are too old to grow trees, but you know, somebody else will live here some day and they will thank us.

Here are a couple of great web links with lots of good information on how to plant trees. So get outside and dig a hole!

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