Wednesday, December 1, 2010


There are a lot of myths about feeding birds. One such popular myth is that feeding birds will prevent their migration. Studies on wild bird populations, however, show that migration is an overpowering drive related to length of day and not abundance of food. Birds will not be distracted by our feeders and decide to stay.

In our area, you can expect overwintering birds to include several types of wrens, sparrows, chickadees, cardinals, titmouse, finches, jays and doves. In addition two species of woodpeckers – Golden Fronted and Ladder Backed – stay in our area throughout the winter.

A fun project for the whole family can be putting out decorative treats for the birds. Pine cones can be filled with peanut butter or a paste of peanut butter and cornmeal. Trim a tree with strings of cranberries, cereal with holes, raisins and peanuts in the shell. Tie bunches of red grapes to the tree with raffia or ribbon. Cut out stale bread with cookie cutters and hang on the tree. Suet is popular with our woodpeckers, but is also visited by chickadees, titmouse, and wrens. You can make a small basket from the orange rind of half an orange and fill it with suet or suet and peanut butter. Or make suet cookies ( Wild Birds Unlimited has a short brochure with recipes and ideas for decoration for the birds. Just go to www.wbu.cor./education/decorateatree.html.

If you see a hummingbird in your yard this winter, don’t be surprised. The Rufus hummingbird will often stop short of the full migration and winter in Texas. So, I keep one of my hummingbird feeders clean and full through the winter until I am sure that no birds remain. I seem to have one lingering this year. Two years in a row I had at least one all winter. None stayed last winter. How did they know it would be so cold?

And, please don’t forget the water for our birds. They need it just as much as we do all year long!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ladies, cool new blog! I'm tickled to have found you by following Vivian back here from Hill Country Mysteries.
