Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Get Certified...Bonafide!

Mystic Shores property owners Tony and Myra Stewart talk about their Texas Parks & Wildlife Habitat Certification Process with Conservation Committee member Vivian Miller

Q-What was your motivation for pursuing the wildlife habitat certification?
A-When we moved into Mystic Shores 2 years ago, we knew that our
land was home to deer and scorpions, but were surprised that we had invaded the home of fox, porcupine, roadrunners and many other small animals. The process of applying for the Backyard Wildlife Habitat certification made us aware of what, exactly, our wildlife require for an ongoing healthy environment.
Q-Were there surprises in the process, and if so, what were they?
A-It was easy. We completed our application in about 30 minutes.
1) Conservation Committee member Sharon Deeny stopped by our
home and spent a few minutes making notes and lists of plants and
water sources we already had in place that met the requirements.
We probably would never have attempted this process if the
Conservation Committee members had not promoted it and
generously offered their time to assist with the application.
2) We met most of the requirements without changing or adding
3) You can have pets and still be certified.
Q-What do you think the biggest benefit of the certification process is or will be for you?
A-The biggest benefit - education. Sharon identified many of our native trees, shrubs and flowering plants. We now recognize the necessity of protecting these (sometimes gangly) wildflowers, (sometimes prickly) shrubs, trees and tall grasses that provide not only beauty, but also food, water and shelter for our wildlife.
We thank the Conservation Committee for their work in promoting awareness of the natural environment we enjoy within Mystic Shores.
Tony and Myra Stewart

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